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Dogs with cropped ears are not allowed to enter the event!

Dogs with docked tails can participate without restrictions.

The Chief Judge

(1)          Uwe Wehner - Germany


  • Chairman for Obedience within the DVG since 2002
  • Team leader of the German Obedience national team from 2002 to 2015
  • Organizer of the World Championship 2003 in Dortmund
  • Obedience judge since 2004
  • Member of the FCI Commission Obedience since 2002 
  • International judge with assignments in Holland, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Japan
  • Judge at the 2010 World Cup in Denmark and 2014 in Finland
  • Participant in several German Championships with Border Collie Woody and Australian Shepherd Skylar
  • Vice president of the FCI Obedience Commission

My active time in dog sports began many years ago with Old English
Sheepdogs and the German dog sport "Turnierhundsport. In 1989, I had my
first contact with the Obedience sport in Holland and was immediately
enthusiastic about it. Since Obedience was almost unknown in Germany at
that time, I competed with my training group in Switzerland. In order to train
purposefully, I created regulations for my association, which served as the
basis for the first official German rules. Through my commitment to this
sport, I am in charge for Obedience in one of the German dog sport
associations (DVG) since 2000.
Obedience developed excellently in Germany. With the help of Holland, the
first Obedience judges were trained, to which I belonged.
In addition to the captivation for the Obedience sport itself, from the very
beginning, I have been fascinated by the various training methods based on
motivation and positive reinforcement. To learn more about the different
methods, I have organized numerous seminars with well-known obedience
In the meantime, I judge and give a lot of seminars for handlers, judges,
trainers and stewards at home and abroad. I also competed with two dogs in
the highest performance class.


(2)         Mr Lukas Jansky - Czech Republic


Co-founder of Obedience CZ Club in the Czech Republic.
Judge and Steward for Obedience since 2008.


Although I had  dogs all my life, now I don´t own a dog.
My the last dog had hovawart.

(3)         Mr Mads Möller - Denmark

(4)         Mr  Hanspeter Jutzi - Switzerland

Dogs:   Since 1990: Hovawarts, Australien Shepherds and Border Collies.

Actually my wife and I have 5 Border Collies

Competitions:   Obedience and rescue dog in Class 3 with participation on the Swiss championship

Functions in Obedience:    Since 2004 Steward, since 2012 Judge for Obedience

Since  2014 Delegate for Switzerland on the  FCI

(5)         Miss Svetlana Zolotnikova - Estonia

Obedience has been my obsession since year 2000,
when I began to train my first dalmatian.
Since then
I have had results in obedience with two dalmatians
and three border collies.
With my first border collie Winnie,
who is now retired from active competing, I have been
part of Estonian obedience WC team four times.
I am an obedience judge since 2009.
In addition to judging many national competitions over the years
I have had the pleasure of judging trials
and qualifications
at competitions abroad (incl CACIOb and Championships),
in countries including Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and Poland. I hope you all will enjoy WW competition in Czech Republic.
Good luck and have fun!

Advising Member / Reserve Judge

(6)           Mrs. Carina Savander-Ranne (FIN) - President of the FCI Obedience Commission member

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