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Dogs with cropped ears are not allowed to enter the event!

Dogs with docked tails can participate without restrictions.

General Information

Travelling with pet animals shall be authorised only under the conditions established in Regulation (EU) No. 576/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No 998/2003.

Pet animals shall be defined as:
– dogs, cats and ferrets
– other animals of listed species (groups)

What does the non-commercial movement of pet animals (i. e. “travelling”) mean:

– ‘Non-commercial movement’ means any movement which does not have as its aim either the sale of or the transfer of ownership of a pet animal
– Pet animal during the non-commercial movement shall accompany the owner who is indicated in the identification document of the animal or any natural person who has authorisation in writing from the owner to carry out the non-commercial movement of the animal on behalf of the owner (hereinafter referred as the “authorised person”).


The maximum number of pet animals of the species dog, cat or ferret which may accompany the owner or the authorised person during a single non-commercial movement shall not exceed five.

Derogation from the maximum number of animals
The maximum number of pet animals of these species may exceed five during a single non-commercial movement if the following conditions are fulfilled:

a) the non-commercial movement of pet animals is for the purpose of participating in competitions, exhibitions or sporting events or in training for such events;
b) the owner or the authorised person submits written evidence that the pet animals are registered either to attend the above mentioned event or with an association organising such events;
c) the pet animals are more than six months old.

If the owner or the authorised person is accompanied by more than five animals of these species and the mentioned conditions for granting derogation are not fulfilled, the animal health conditions for the commercial movement shall be fulfilled.

Requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets FROM the Czech Republic / EXPORT FROM the Czech Republic:

I. Travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets from the Czech Republic to the EU Member States

II. Travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets from Czech Republic to third countries

Requirements for travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets TO the Czech Republic / IMPORT TO the Czech Republic:

III. Travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets to the Czech Republic from the EU Member States

IV. Travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets to the Czech Republic from listed third countries

List of third countries

V. Travelling with dogs, cats and ferrets to the Czech Republic from non-listed third countries



Other pet animals shall be defined as:

– mammals: rodents and rabbits other than those intended for food production;
– birds: all species except poultry*);
– reptiles;
– amphibia;
– ornamental aquatic animals kept for ornamental purposes in non-commercial aquariums;
– invertebrates (except bees, bumble bees, molluscs and crustaceans).

*) ‘poultry’ means fowl, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, geese, quails, pigeons, pheasants, partridges and ratites (Ratitae) reared or kept in captivity for breeding, the production of meat or eggs for consumption, or for re-stocking supplies of game

VI. Requirements for travelling with other pet animals



Measures to be taken when pet animals do not comply with established conditions

Where the checks performed by the competent customs or veterinary authorities reveal that pet animals do not comply with the general or specific requirements of the EU or the Czech legislation, the competent authority shall apply one of the following options:
– return the pet animal to its country or territory of dispatch, or
– isolate the pet animal under official control for the time necessary for it to comply with the conditions, or
– as a last resort where its return is not possible or isolation is not practical, shall order the euthanasia of pet animal in accordance with applicable national rules relating to the protection of pet animals at the time of killing.

The above measures shall be applied at the expense of the owner and without the possibility of any financial compensation for the owner or the authorised person.

Information of traveling with dogs, cats and ferrets can also be found on the official website of the European Commission

Comparative table regarding identification documents required for the non-commercial movement of pet dogs, trade in and import of dogs before and after 29 December 2014

Points of entry to the Czech Republic for pet animals from third countries can be found:

Checks on pet animals during the non-commercial movement from third countries to the EU shall be performed by the customs authorities within customs checks on travellers and their personal luggage.

The maximum number of pet animals which may accompany the owner or the authorised person during a single non-commercial movement from third countries shall not exceed five.



Certain animals, plants and products thereof shall subject to the CITES treaty, or the EU regulations. Detailed information concerning their protection at the import, export and trade in them can be found on the official web site of the Czech Environmental Inspection Authority (

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